Manufacturers and brand owners understand sustainable materials as vital in the packaging solutions process.

Our material solutions support brands by helping them minimize their carbon footprint, eliminate waste, protect the environment and add value to their products and services. Our industrial designers and engineers deliver the forefront of sustainable packaging innovation with cutting-edge materials, coatings, and finishing techniques. Our global packaging and converting operations are committed to sustainable practices by choosing to use certified materials, we guarantee that our packaging comes from responsibly managed forests that meet rigorous environmental and social standards. This commitment not only supports the health of our planet but also enhances the credibility of your brand as a leader in sustainability practices.

Our sustainability aim is to optimize the amount of recycled content in packaging, considering technical feasibility, consumer acceptability, regulatory requirements, etc. Recycled content is the proportion, by mass, of pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled material in packaging. Why this is important? Using recycled materials in packaging helps to create sustainable markets for packaging recovered from households and other sources. Recycled materials generally use less energy and water to manufacture and generate lower greenhouse gas emissions than virgin materials of the same type. Some recycled materials also offer cost savings.